khs7810k님의 '구글 뉴스~'

2008년 4월 11일 금요일

summary 4.11

~ artificial intelligence (AI)
gender -game

Alan Turing-
Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man(so afterall there was a problem and he suicided.)
$-Imitation game-$
there are three rooms for people- woman, man, interrogator.
and then if interrogator asked both. and they pretend to be man or woman.
so it's difficult for interrogator to match them.
More on~~~->Turing test.
it is very similar way to Imitation game.
There are three.- Interrogator. a person, and computer.
so as the same way before. ---->interrogator has a role of matching which is a person.

which of the other two is the man and which is the woman
after all these games make us have a quesetion----- Can machines think??

@1936: The Turing machine, computability, universal machine

@1938-39: Return to Cambridge. Introduced to German Enigma cipher machine

@1939-42: Breaking of U-boat Enigma, saving battle of the Atlantic
@1943-45: Chief Anglo-American crypto consultant. Electronic work.
@1945: National Physical Laboratory, London

@1949: First serious mathematical use of a computer
@1950: The Turing Test for machine intelligence
@1951: Elected FRS. Non-linear theory of biological growth

@1954 (7 June): Death (suicide) by cyanide poisoning

artificial intelligence: research areas

1 Knowledge Representation
2 Programming Languages
3 Natural Language (e.g., Story) Understanding
4 Speech Understanding
5 Vision
6 Robotics
7 Machine Learning
8 Planning
GPS- GPS is what is known in AI as a “planner.” - it is a computer program for theorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing

A problem with ai planning

frame problem (our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation.

* the problem of deciding what parts of the internal model to update when a change is made to the model or the external world. (How does one keep track of the frame of reference of an operation (transformation)? In particular, what changes and what stays the same when an operator is applied to the representation of a state? )-
This says these are in frame, but we sometimes intervene with them ->>>>it is not any more Aritificical intelligence.!!
Tailspin -Story generation programs
Examples of Tale-spin’s missing common sense - Schizophrenia can be dis-functional.

FRUMP: Fast Reading Understanding and Memory Program

Eliza-as a solution of A computer Program for the Study of Natural Language -

Huge Harry-Representative of Institute of Artificial Art Amsterdam.

my opinion- It's stiil difficult to make a perfect AI.
because they have to be updated automatically. and there are some problem concerned
with thinking.
Today, I thought about AI besides me.---it will be strange and amazing.

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