khs7810k님의 '구글 뉴스~'

2008년 3월 28일 금요일

summary 3 (03.28)

~www: the world-wide web~

Review + alpha
When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
New media do not replace old media, they displace them.

People make media and then media make people. It has an interaction.

www->w3 orgin(motivation)

The WWW was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.
but there are some problems, originally the work was to provide a graphical interface to a set of distributed files used in physics project management at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)
-Roots of the technology -

bush’s memex; nelson’s writings on hypertext; berners-lee’s early implementations

so It's the thinking of gatering information from eachother when they had the same project .
They needed to save the time and efforts.

-organizations and standards

we need standards in an effort to collaborate writing.

standard is the result of negotiations or conflict.
we learned about who wrote the standards.
ISO : International standards organization.
they upgrade by using these principle.
1. Consensus
2. Voluntary
3. Industry-wide

IETF: Internet engineering task force.

RFC: request for comments

w3c: world-wide web consortium -->My opinion: It's too expesive to sign up for them.
---------------------------Second class of this week------------------------------
URI : It declares somthing, it is a address system which the project implemented to make this world possible, despite many diffenet protocols.

URN : locator --if you write the name and there are some appointment which follows http or ftp and then declare the location.

html : old type of language from SGML

ftp : file transfer protocol
smtp : simple mail transfer protocol
nntp : network news transfer protocol
Visit the []

The www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.

what is a web crawler?
It's a robot that is a program or automated script which browses the world wide web in a methodical, automated manner.

shredder : Content become abstraction. Text becomes graphics. Information becomes art.
-our web is acually complexity of mixture code and hard driver-

my thought : It's getting more interesting to study of history concerned with web.
but there are some strange think like shredder- I envy their ability to foresee and
the way of thinking object.
I will be ~~~after finishing this term.^^

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