^^ Let's go to Study!!!
Assignment 1. Welcome to the present - in this sentence ~the present means all things we can share at the present. mentally and physically...From last wednesday, in the class, we learned about the history of the Media. Like that egg white connect between a powder and walls~and like that a car connect from one place to another place, our media can connect with technologies and social, political, cultural, ecomomic and the other relationshps.
but it take an effect only if their transmission system is good enough to restore and retrieve as Vannevar Bush Said. -"record is important"-
Last week during the class as our professor refered to Vannevar bush, he thought great thinking some machine kind of recent scanner.
he wanted to restore record with the new way such as associative indexing. evenif there were some problem with economic, labor. and so he designed the memex. The memex has influenced the development of subsequential hypertext and intellect augmenting computer systems.
My persona opinion : At first I was also amazed like most of peple at the thinking of the memex long time ago. and Vannevar bush must have had foresightedness over the future.
and I strongly agree with his thinking. If we have a great system to remeber and retrieve our memory for a long time. we don't have to waste our effort and we can use our memory to elevate our personal thins and our everything related to science.
..I think we still have much information to learn from the past. How about having a personal record system? for..our future..
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1. Welcome to the present - this world means all things we can share at the present. mentally and physically...
From last wednesday, we learned about
Hypertext : aw we may write.
Review Key point : The concept of media - Technologies is not just skill, but it can
connect or separate people like our cars.
Technologies embody social, political....and relationships
Above all, I thought of digital media. I think digital media is one of media that can be synthesized by network with 0, 1 electronically. oppsite meaning of alalog.
but after I studied the hypertext in our class. I realized that it's the new way to express by writing, reading and thinking.
In the class
Origin of thinking o Augmenting human intellect.
-Tristan Tzara's recipe for composing a poem.
-William Burroughs,“Origin and Theory of the Tape Cut ups(as we saw kind of movie)
engelbar started to think of augmenting human intellect.
before he thought that every person accomplish their project by himself. so he wanted to work from not bottom of project if he wanted to be taken over other's project.
eventually he invernted the mouse and workstation and networking system.
when he explained the concept of recent hypertext, he used those items.
*Very importanthing*
augmenting human intelllect-
=better & faster comprehension + better & faster & more solution to problems.
-> from this year batch processing become to appear.
Why he thought about augmenting human intellect??
man's population and gross product are increasing at a cosiderable rate, but th ecomplexity of his problem grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater in response the increased rate of activity and the increasingly global nature of that activity - Engelbart -1962
H-LAM/T system meaning - two parts
1. Human part- represented bt the system
2. machine part - represented by the artifacts
my opinion and question - like the "as we may say" after engelbart saw the memex
he thought very innovative things. Above all I surprised by inventing the mouse.
and he could explain the concept of hypertext(for augmenting human intellect)with
the mouse.
but is it useful for cooperating the work they have at that time?.if they had
disaggrement, how he could correct them?
and I want to know more H-LAM/T~~
~~~Thanks for great teaching~~~
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